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ВИДЕО: Коронавирусот го уби човекот кој го откри Мајк Тајсон

Еден од луѓето кои го откриле Мајк Тајсон, Нелсон Куевас почина на 80-годишна возраст како последица на коронавирусот. Во неговата боксерска сала, тогаш малиот Мајк Тајсон го имаше првиот аматерски меч. Сето останото е добро позната историја.

Веста за смрта на Куевас ја соопшти токму Мајк Тајсон на социјалните мрежи.




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We lost one of the best people in the boxing world. Nelson Cuevas died from complications with Corona Virus. I had my first amateur fight at his Apollo Gym. He use to be one of Cus’ fighters when he was younger. When Cus had his Catskill fighters come down the Bronx to his gym, he protected us so fiercely. I remember us kids would be so excited because when we had an exciting fight he would buy us soda and a mini hotdog in a biscuit because he knew we didn’t have money. It was the best years of my life being around Cuevas and watching the Puerto Rican fighters. They were such showman. I tried to personify their machismo showmanship. People that knew Nelson knew he was nobody to fuck with. I love and respect him so much. Being around him during my amateur career was the best time of my life. Rest In Peace. End of an Era. #NelsonCuevasRIP #boxinglegend

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